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'''Шкатулка Чудес''' ('''Wonder Box''') позволяет трансмодифицировать одни предметы в другие. Для успешной трансмодификации необходимо поместить в шкатулку определённые предметы в определённом количестве, затем сделать дабл клик на шкатулке. Если состав предметов и их количество составлены верно, то они уничтожатся, а вместо них появится новый предмет. Шкатулка чудес имеет определённое количество зарядов, после каждой успешной трансмодификации она теряет один заряд. Разряженную шкатулку на сегодняшний день перезарядить нельзя.
'''Шкатулка Чудес''' ('''Wonder Box''') позволяет превращать одни предметы в другие. Данный артефакт можно приобрести в Quest Point Exchanger за 4 КП. Полученная шкатулка существует 6 месяцев и имеет 100 зарядов. Для успешной трансмутации необходимо поместить в шкатулку определённые предметы в нужном количестве, затем сделать дабл клик на шкатулке. Если состав предметов и их количество с точностью соответствуют рецепту, то они уничтожатся, а вместо них появится новый предмет. После каждой успешной трансмутации шкатулка теряет один заряд.  
Разряженную шкатулку можно перезарядить при помощи следующих ресурсов: 5 String Silk, 1 First Rider of Apocalyspe, 1 Second Rider of Apocalyspe, 1 Third Rider of Apocalyspe, 1 Fourth Rider of Apocalyspe.  
''Ниже представлены актуальные рецепты для Шкатулки Чудес:''
''Ниже представлены актуальные рецепты для Шкатулки Чудес:''
* 200 Iron Ore + 50 Fertile Dirt + 150 Sulfurous Ash + 1 Enchant Point = 200-300 Coal
== Ресурсы: ==
* 100 Shadow Ingots + 100 Batwings, 1 Daemon Point, 2 Enchant Points = 75-100 Copper Ingots
* 400 Coal + 100 Fertile Dirt + 1 Enchant Point = 600 Iron Ore
* 100 Copper Ingots + 100 Rubies, 100 Wyrm's Hearts, 3 Enchant Points = 75-100 Golden Ingots
* 400 Iron Ore + 100 Fertile Dirt + 1 Enchant Point = 600 Coal
* 100 Golden Ingots + 100 Diamonds, 1 Red Dragon Point, 4 Enchant Points = 75-100 Orion Ingots
* 300 Shadow Ingots + 100 Batwings, 1 Daemon Point, 2 Enchant Points = 280-300 Copper Ingots
* 100 Orion Ingots + 100 Citrines, 1 Gray Dragon Point, 5 Enchant Points = 75-100 Agapite Ingots
* 300 Copper Ingots + 100 Rubies, 100 Wyrm's Hearts, 3 Enchant Points = 280-300 Golden Ingots
* 100 Agapite Ingots + 100 Sapphires, 1 Blue Dragon Point, 6 Enchant Points = 75-100 Verite Ingots
* 300 Golden Ingots + 100 Diamonds, 1 Decayed Page, 4 Enchant Points = 280-300 Orion Ingots
* 100 Verite Ingots + 100 Tourmalins, 1 Green Dragon Point, 7 Enchant Points = 75-100 Dwarf Ingots
* 300 Orion Ingots + 100 Citrines, 1 Red Dragon Point, 5 Enchant Points = 280-300 Agapite Ingots
* 100 Dwarf Ingots + 100 Amethysts, 1 Gold Dragon Point, 8 Enchant Points = 75-100 Valorite Ingots
* 200 Agapite Ingots + 100 Sapphires, 1 Gray Dragon Point, 6 Enchant Points = 185-195 Verite Ingots
* 100 Valorite Ingots + 100 Pieces of Amber, 1 Silver Dragon Point, 9 Enchant Points = 75-100 Crystal Ingots
* 200 Verite Ingots + 100 Tourmalines, 1 Blue Dragon Point, 7 Enchant Points = 185-195 Dwarf Ingots
* 100 Crystal Ingots + 100 Emeralds, 1 Crystal Dragon Point, 10 Enchant Points, 1 Elemental Point (white), 1 Calcite  = 75-100 Silver Ingots
* 200 Dwarf Ingots + 100 Amethysts, 1 Green Dragon Point, 8 Enchant Points = 185-195 Valorite Ingots
* 100 Silver Ingots + 100 Star Sapphires, 1 Black Dragon Point, 15 Enchant Points, 1 Elemental Point (white), 1 Calcite, 1 Elemental Point (brown), 1 Oleum  = 75-100 Magma Ingots
* 100 Valorite Ingots + 100 Pieces of Amber, 1 Gold Dragon Point, 9 Enchant Points = 90-100 Crystal Ingots
* 100 Magma Ingots + 100 Bones, 1 Titan Point, 20 Enchant Points, 1 Elemental Point (white), 1 Calcite, 1 Elemental Point (brown), 1 Oleum, 1 Elemental Point (blue), 1 Nitronium  = 75-100 Mytheril Ingots
* 100 Crystal Ingots + 100 Emeralds, 1 Titan Point, 10 Enchant Points, 1 Elemental Point (white), 1 Calcite  = 90-100 Silver Ingots
* 100 Mytheril Ingots + 100 Magma Ingots, 25 Enchant Points, 1 Elemental Point (white), 1 Calcite, 1 Elemental Point (brown), 1 Oleum, 1 Elemental Point (blue), 1 Nitronium, 1 Elemental Point (purple), 1 Argonite Bubbles  = 75-100 Obsidian Ingots
* 100 Silver Ingots + 100 Star Sapphires, 1 Silver Dragon Point, 15 Enchant Points, 1 Elemental Point (white), 1 Calcite, 1 Elemental Point (brown), 1 Oleum  = 90-100 Magma Ingots
* 100 Magma Ingots + 100 Bones, 1 Crystal Dragon Point, 1 Elemental Point (white), 1 Calcite, 1 Elemental Point (brown), 1 Oleum, 1 Elemental Point (blue), 1 Nitronium  = 90-100 Mytheril Ingots
* 100 Mytheril Ingots + 100 Magma Ingots, 1 Black Dragon Point, 1 Elemental Point (white), 1 Calcite, 1 Elemental Point (brown), 1 Oleum, 1 Elemental Point (blue), 1 Nitronium, 1 Elemental Point (purple), 1 Argonite Bubbles  = 90-100 Obsidian Ingots
* 1 Cooking Recipe + 1 Enchant Point = Inactive Lumberjacking License
* 1 Platinum Broadsword + 10 Enchant Points = 20-25 Platinum Ingots
* 1 Chrome Lance + 10 Enchant Points = 20-25 Chrome Wire
* 100 Stone Blocks + 100 Golden Ingots + 1 Combat Point = 100 Sandstone Blocks
* 2 Red Dragon Points + 50 Rubies + 5 Enchant Points = Gray Dragon Point
* 2 Gray Dragon Points + 50 Diamonds + 5 Enchant Points = Blue Dragon Point
* 2 Blue Dragon Points + 50 Citrines + 5 Enchant Points = Green Dragon Point
* 2 Green Dragon Points + 50 Sapphires + 5 Enchant Points = Gold Dragon Point
* 2 Gold Dragon Points + 50 Tourmalines + 5 Enchant Points = Silver Dragon Point
* 2 Silver Dragon Points + 50 Amethysts + 5 Enchant Points = Crystal Dragon Point
* 2 Crystal Dragon Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 5 Enchant Points = Black Dragon Point
* 2 Daemon Points + 50 Emeralds + 10 Enchant Points = Titan Point
* 2 Titan Rock + 5 Enchant Points = Dragon Rock
* 2 Dragon Rock + 5 Enchant Points + 1 Daemon Point = Titan Rock
* 2 Elemetal Points (white) + 1 Enchant Point = Calcite Crystal
* 2 Elemetal Points (brown) + 1 Enchant Point = Oleum
* 2 Elemetal Points (blue) + 1 Enchant Point = Nitronium Crystal
* 2 Elemetal Points (purple) + 1 Enchant Point = Argonite Bubble
* 2 Calcite Crystals + 1 Enchant Point = Elemetal Point (white)
* 2 Oleums + 1 Enchant Point = Elemetal Point (brown)
* 2 Nitronium Crystals + 1 Enchant Point = Elemetal Point (blue)
* 2 Argonite Bubbles + 1 Enchant Point = Elemetal Point (purple)
== Магические предметы: ==
* 50 Shadow Ingots + 45 Agapite Ingots + 40 Orion Ingots + 35 Verite Ingots + 30 Dwarf Ingots + 25 Valorite Ingots + 20 Crystal Ingots + 15 Silver Ingots + 10 Magma Ingots + 5 Mytheril Ingots + 2 Calcite + 2 Argonite Bubbles + 2 Oleum + 2 Nitronium + 100 Enchant Points = [[Soul Absorber|Soul Absorber]]
* 1 Dragon Wing + 1 Titan Wall + 1 Demon Horn + 1 Catalyst = Demon Fury
* 3 Magic Jewelry of Magic Resistance (одного типа) + 5 Enchant Points + 1 Rice Paper = Random Jewelry of Magic Resistance
* 1 Demon Horns + 45 Mytheril Ingots + 10 Enchant Points = Random Obsidian Weapon
* 1 Elemetal Point (white) + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) + 1 Elemetal Point (blue) + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) + 1 Calcite + 1 Argonite Bubble + 1 Oleum + 1 Nitronium + 5 Enchant Points = Catalyst
* 5 Dragon Rock + 5 Enchant Point + 50 Volcanic Ash = 5 Decayed Pages
* 200 Hair Colorizer + 10 Combat Points + 1 Quest Point = Rare Hair Colorizer
* 1 Giant Key + 5 Dragon Rock + 100 Dragon's Blood + 1 Red Dragon's Point + 1 Blue Dragon's Point + 1 Green Dragon's Point + 1 Gray Dragon's Point + 1 Gold Dragon's Point + 1 Silver Dragon's Point + 1 Crystal Dragon's Point + 1 Black Dragon's Point = Dragon's Egg
* 1 Halflinks Horror + 1 Combat Point + 1 Catalyst + 1 Titan Straw Hat = [[Magic_Artifacts#Disruptor|Disruptor]] (Временный на 2-3 часа)
* 1 Hand of Horror + 1 Combat Point + 50 Enchant Points + 1 Daemon Straw Hat = [[Magic_Artifacts#Desintegrator|Desintegrator]] (Временный на 2-3 часа)
== Плюсовая Броня: ==
* 1 Platemail (Chest) + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Platemail (Chest) of Defense
* 1 Platemail Legs + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Platemail Legs of Defense
* 1 Platemail Arms + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Platemail Arms of Defense
* 1 Platemail Gorget + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Platemail Gorget of Defense
* 1 Platemail Gauntlets + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Platemail Gauntlets of Defense
* 1 Plate Helm + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Plate Helm of Defense
* 1 Heater Shield + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Heater of Defense
* 2 Platemail (Chest) of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Platemail (Chest) of Guarding
* 2 Platemail Legs of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Platemail Legs of Guarding
* 2 Platemail Arms of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Platemail Arms of Guarding
* 2 Platemail Gorget of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Platemail Gorget of Guarding
* 2 Platemail Gauntlets of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Platemail Gauntlets of Guarding
* 2 Plate Helm of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Plate Helm of Guarding
* 2 Heater of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Heater of Guarding
* 2 Platemail (Chest) of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Platemail (Chest) of Hardening
* 2 Platemail Legs of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Platemail Legs of Hardening
* 2 Platemail Arms of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Platemail Arms of Hardening
* 2 Platemail Gorget of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Platemail Gorget of Hardening
* 2 Platemail Gauntlets of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Platemail Gauntlets of Hardening
* 2 Plate Helm of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Plate Helm of Hardening
* 2 Heater of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Heater of Hardening
* 2 Platemail (Chest) of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Platemail (Chest) of Fortification
* 2 Platemail Legs of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Platemail Legs of Fortification
* 2 Platemail Arms of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Platemail Arms of Fortification
* 2 Platemail Gorget of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Platemail Gorget of Fortification
* 2 Platemail Gauntlets of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Platemail Gauntlets of Fortification
* 2 Plate Helm of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Plate Helm of Fortification
* 2 Heater of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Heater of Fortification
* 2 Platemail (Chest) of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Platemail (Chest) of Invulnerability
* 2 Platemail Legs of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Platemail Legs of Invulnerability
* 2 Platemail Arms of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Platemail Arms of Invulnerability
* 2 Platemail Gorget of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Platemail Gorget of Invulnerability
* 2 Platemail Gauntlets of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Platemail Gauntlets of Invulnerability
* 2 Plate Helm of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Plate Helm of Invulnerability
* 2 Heater of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Heater of Invulnerability
== Enchanted Armor / Weapon: ==
* 1 Golden Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Invulnerability + 42 Golden Ingots + 1 Demonologist Blood = Enchanted Golden Platemail (Chest)
* 1 Golden Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Invulnerability + 35 Golden Ingots + 1 Demonologist Blood = Enchanted Golden Arms
* 1 Golden Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Invulnerability + 37 Golden Ingots + 1 Demonologist Blood = Enchanted Golden Legs
* 1 Golden Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Invulnerability + 32 Golden Ingots + 1 Demonologist Blood = Enchanted Golden Helm
* 1 Golden Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Invulnerability + 16 Golden Ingots + 1 Demonologist Blood = Enchanted Golden Gorget
* 1 Golden Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Invulnerability + 18 Golden Ingots + 1 Demonologist Blood = Enchanted Golden Gauntlets
* 1 Golden Heater + 1 Heater of Invulnerability + 80 Golden Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Golden Shield
* 1 Shadow Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Invulnerability + 40 Shadow Ingots + 1 Calcite Crystal = Enchanted Shadow Platemail (Chest)
* 1 Shadow Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Invulnerability + 33 Shadow Ingots + 1 Calcite Crystal = Enchanted Shadow Arms
* 1 Shadow Legs + 1 Platemail Leggings of Invulnerability + 35 Shadow Ingots + 1 Calcite Crystal = Enchanted Shadow Legs
* 1 Shadow Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Invulnerability + 30 Shadow Ingots + 1 Calcite Crystal = Enchanted Shadow Plate Helm
* 1 Shadow Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Invulnerability + 15 Shadow Ingots + 1 Calcite Crystal = Enchanted Shadow Gorget
* 1 Shadow Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Invulnerability + 17 Shadow Ingots + 1 Calcite Crystal = Enchanted Shadow Gauntlets
* 1 Shadow Heater + 1 Heater of Invulnerability + 75 Shadow Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Shadow Shield
* 1 Orion Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Invulnerability + 38 Orion Ingots + 1 Oleum = Enchanted Orion Platemail (Chest)
* 1 Orion Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Invulnerability + 31 Orion Ingots + 1 Oleum = Enchanted Orion Arms
* 1 Orion Legs + 1 Platemail Leggings of Invulnerability + 33 Orion Ingots + 1 Oleum = Enchanted Orion Legs
* 1 Orion Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Invulnerability + 28 Orion Ingots + 1 Oleum = Enchanted Orion Plate Helm
* 1 Orion Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Invulnerability + 14 Orion Ingots + 1 Oleum = Enchanted Orion Gorget
* 1 Orion Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Invulnerability + 16 Orion Ingots + 1 Oleum = Enchanted Orion Gauntlets
* 1 Orion Heater + 1 Heater of Invulnerability + 70 Orion Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Orion Shield
* 1 Agapite Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Fortification + 36 Agapite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (blue) = Enchanted Agapite Platemail (Chest)
* 1 Agapite Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Fortification + 29 Agapite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (blue) = Enchanted Agapite Arms
* 1 Agapite Legs + 1 Platemail Leggings of Fortification + 31 Agapite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (blue) = Enchanted Agapite Legs
* 1 Agapite Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Fortification + 26 Agapite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (blue) = Enchanted Agapite Plate Helm
* 1 Agapite Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Fortification + 13 Agapite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (blue) = Enchanted Agapite Gorget
* 1 Agapite Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Fortification + 15 Agapite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (blue) = Enchanted Agapite Gauntlets
* 1 Agapite Heater + 1 Heater of Fortification + 65 Agapite Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Agapite Shield
* 1 Verite Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Fortification + 34 Verite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (white) = Enchanted Verite Platemail (Chest)
* 1 Verite Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Fortification + 27 Verite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (white) = Enchanted Verite Arms
* 1 Verite Legs + 1 Platemail Leggings of Fortification + 29 Verite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (white) = Enchanted Verite Legs
* 1 Verite Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Fortification + 24 Verite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (white) = Enchanted Verite Plate Helm
* 1 Verite Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Fortification + 12 Verite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (white) = Enchanted Verite Gorget
* 1 Verite Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Fortification + 14 Verite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (white) = Enchanted Verite Gauntlets
* 1 Verite Heater + 1 Heater of Fortification + 60 Verite Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Verite Shield
* 1 Dwarf Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Fortification + 32 Dwarf Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) = Enchanted Dwarf Platemail (Chest)
* 1 Dwarf Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Fortification + 25 Dwarf Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) = Enchanted Dwarf Arms
* 1 Dwarf Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Fortification + 27 Dwarf Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) = Enchanted Dwarf Legs
* 1 Dwarf Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Fortification + 22 Dwarf  Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) = Enchanted Dwarf Helm
* 1 Dwarf Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Fortification + 11 Dwarf Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) = Enchanted Dwarf Gorget
* 1 Dwarf Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Fortification + 13 Dwarf Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) = Enchanted Dwarf Gauntlets
* 1 Dwarf Heater + 1 Heater of Fortification + 55 Dwarf Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Dwarf Shield
* 1 Valorite Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Hardening + 30 Valorite Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) = Enchanted Valorite Platemail (Chest)
* 1 Valorite Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Hardening + 23 Valorite Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) = Enchanted Valorite Arms
* 1 Valorite Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Hardening + 25 Valorite Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) = Enchanted Valorite Legs
* 1 Valorite Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Hardening + 20 Valorite Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) = Enchanted Valorite Helm
* 1 Valorite Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Hardening + 10 Valorite Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) = Enchanted Valorite Gorget
* 1 Valorite Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Hardening + 12 Valorite Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) = Enchanted Valorite Gauntlets
* 1 Valorite Heater + 1 Heater of Hardening + 50 Valorite Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Valorite Shield
* 1 Crystal Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Hardening + 28 Crystal Ingots + 1 Argonite Bubble = Enchanted Crystal Platemail (Chest)
* 1 Crystal Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Hardening + 21 Crystal Ingots + 1 Argonite Bubble = Enchanted Crystal Arms
* 1 Crystal Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Hardening + 23 Crystal Ingots + 1 Argonite Bubble = Enchanted Crystal Legs
* 1 Crystal Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Hardening + 18 Crystal Ingots + 1 Argonite Bubble = Enchanted Crystal Helm
* 1 Crystal Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Hardening + 9 Crystal Ingots + 1 Argonite Bubble = Enchanted Crystal Gorget
* 1 Crystal Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Hardening + 11 Crystal Ingots + 1 Argonite Bubble = Enchanted Crystal Gauntlets
* 1 Crystal Heater + 1 Heater of Hardening + 45 Crystal Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Crystal Shield
* 1 Silver Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Hardening + 26 Silver Ingots + 1 Nitronium Crystal = Enchanted Silver Platemail (Chest)
* 1 Silver Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Hardening + 19 Silver Ingots + 1 Nitronium Crystal = Enchanted Silver Arms
* 1 Silver Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Hardening + 21 Silver Ingots + 1 Nitronium Crystal = Enchanted Silver Legs
* 1 Silver Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Hardening + 16 Silver Ingots + 1 Nitronium Crystal = Enchanted Silver Helm
* 1 Silver Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Hardening + 8 Silver Ingots + 1 Nitronium Crystal = Enchanted Silver Gorget
* 1 Silver Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Hardening + 10 Silver Ingots + 1 Nitronium Crystal = Enchanted Silver Gauntlets
* 1 Silver Heater + 1 Heater of Hardening + 40 Silver Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Silver Shield
* 1 Magma Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Guarding + 24 Magma Ingots + 15 Pumice = Enchanted Magma Platemail (Chest)
* 1 Magma Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Guarding + 17 Magma Ingots + 15 Pumice = Enchanted Magma Arms
* 1 Magma Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Guarding + 19 Magma Ingots + 15 Pumice = Enchanted Magma Legs
* 1 Magma Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Guarding + 14 Magma Ingots + 15 Pumice = Enchanted Magma Helm
* 1 Magma Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Guarding + 7 Magma Ingots + 15 Pumice = Enchanted Magma Gorget
* 1 Magma  Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Guarding + 9 Magma Ingots + 15 Pumice = Enchanted Magma Gauntlets
* 1 Magma Heater + 1 Heater of Guarding + 35 Magma Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Magma Shield
* 1 Mytheril Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Guarding + 22 Mytheril Ingots + 15 Pig Irons = Enchanted Mytheril Platemail (Chest)
* 1 Mytheril Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Guarding + 15 Mytheril Ingots + 15 Pig Irons = Enchanted Mytheril Arms
* 1 Mytheril Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Guarding + 17 Mytheril Ingots + 15 Pig Irons = Enchanted Mytheril Legs
* 1 Mytheril Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Guarding + 12 Mytheril Ingots + 15 Pig Irons = Enchanted Mytheril Helm
* 1 Mytheril Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Guarding + 6 Mytheril Ingots + 15 Pig Irons = Enchanted Mytheril Gorget
* 1 Mytheril Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Guarding + 8 Mytheril Ingots + 15 Pig Irons = Enchanted Mytheril Gauntlets
* 1 Mytheril Heater + 1 Heater of Guarding + 30 Mytheril Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Mytheril Shield
* 1 Obsidian Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Guarding + 20 Obsidian Ingots + 10 Brimstones + 10 Obsidians = Enchanted Obsidian Platemail (Chest)
* 1 Obsidian Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Guarding + 13 Obsidian Ingots + 10 Brimstones + 10 Obsidians = Enchanted Obsidian Arms
* 1 Obsidian Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Guarding + 15 Obsidian Ingots + 10 Brimstones + 10 Obsidians = Enchanted Obsidian Legs
* 1 Obsidian Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Guarding + 10 Obsidian Ingots + 10 Brimstones + 10 Obsidians = Enchanted Obsidian Helm
* 1 Obsidian Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Guarding + 5 Obsidian Ingots + 10 Brimstones + 10 Obsidians = Enchanted Obsidian Gorget
* 1 Obsidian Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Guarding + 7 Obsidian Ingots + 10 Brimstones + 10 Obsidians = Enchanted Obsidian Gauntlets
* 1 Obsidian Heater + 1 Heater of Guarding + 25 Obsidian Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Obsidian Shield
* 1 Platinum Broadsword + 50 Platinum Ingots + 1 Quest Point = Enchanted Platinum Broadsword
* 1 Chrome Lance + 50 Chrome Wire + 1 Quest Point = Enchanted Chrome Lance
== Прочее: ==
* 1 Daemon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 5 Daemon Bones = Daemon Point
* 1 Red Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies = Red Dragon Point
* 1 Gray Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Diamonds = Gray Dragon Point
* 1 Blue Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines = Blue Dragon Point
* 1 Green Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Sapphires = Green Dragon Point
* 1 Gold Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Amethysts = Gold Dragon Point
* 1 Silver Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber = Silver Dragon Point
* 1 Crystal Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Emeralds = Crystal Dragon Point
* 1 Black Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires = Black Dragon Point
* 1 Titan Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 20 Bones = Titan Point
* 1 Wrestling Point + 10 Enchant Points + 1 Hair Colorizer = Combat Point
* 1 Archery Point + 10 Enchant Points + 1 Hair Colorizer = Combat Point
* 1 Swordsmanship Point + 10 Enchant Points + 1 Hair Colorizer = Combat Point
* 1 Fencing Point + 10 Enchant Points + 1 Hair Colorizer = Combat Point
* 1 Macefighting Point + 10 Enchant Points + 1 Hair Colorizer = Combat Point
* 5 Skill Deeds (Magister's knowledge / Craftsman's manual / Cropper's manuscript / Combatant's instruction) + 5 Enchant Points + 5 Hair Colorizer + 1 Decayed Page + 1 Combat Point = Improved Skill Training Page
* 1 Decayed Page + 1 Rejuvination Potion + 1 Hair Colorizer + 1 Red Dragon Straw Hat = Combatant's instruction
* 1 Decayed Page + 1 Rejuvination Potion + 1 Hair Colorizer + 1 Gray Dragon Straw Hat = Cropper's manuscript
* 1 Decayed Page + 1 Rejuvination Potion + 1 Hair Colorizer + 1 Crystal Dragon Straw Hat = Craftsman's manual
* 1 Decayed Page + 1 Rejuvination Potion + 1 Hair Colorizer + 1 Black Dragon Straw Hat = Magister's knowledge
* 1 Raptor + 2 Demon Horns + 100 Magma Ingots + 200 Daemon Bones + 1 Quest Point = Amok

Текущая версия на 12:18, 2 августа 2024

Шкатулка Чудес (Wonder Box) позволяет превращать одни предметы в другие. Данный артефакт можно приобрести в Quest Point Exchanger за 4 КП. Полученная шкатулка существует 6 месяцев и имеет 100 зарядов. Для успешной трансмутации необходимо поместить в шкатулку определённые предметы в нужном количестве, затем сделать дабл клик на шкатулке. Если состав предметов и их количество с точностью соответствуют рецепту, то они уничтожатся, а вместо них появится новый предмет. После каждой успешной трансмутации шкатулка теряет один заряд.

Разряженную шкатулку можно перезарядить при помощи следующих ресурсов: 5 String Silk, 1 First Rider of Apocalyspe, 1 Second Rider of Apocalyspe, 1 Third Rider of Apocalyspe, 1 Fourth Rider of Apocalyspe.

Ниже представлены актуальные рецепты для Шкатулки Чудес:


  • 400 Coal + 100 Fertile Dirt + 1 Enchant Point = 600 Iron Ore
  • 400 Iron Ore + 100 Fertile Dirt + 1 Enchant Point = 600 Coal
  • 300 Shadow Ingots + 100 Batwings, 1 Daemon Point, 2 Enchant Points = 280-300 Copper Ingots
  • 300 Copper Ingots + 100 Rubies, 100 Wyrm's Hearts, 3 Enchant Points = 280-300 Golden Ingots
  • 300 Golden Ingots + 100 Diamonds, 1 Decayed Page, 4 Enchant Points = 280-300 Orion Ingots
  • 300 Orion Ingots + 100 Citrines, 1 Red Dragon Point, 5 Enchant Points = 280-300 Agapite Ingots
  • 200 Agapite Ingots + 100 Sapphires, 1 Gray Dragon Point, 6 Enchant Points = 185-195 Verite Ingots
  • 200 Verite Ingots + 100 Tourmalines, 1 Blue Dragon Point, 7 Enchant Points = 185-195 Dwarf Ingots
  • 200 Dwarf Ingots + 100 Amethysts, 1 Green Dragon Point, 8 Enchant Points = 185-195 Valorite Ingots
  • 100 Valorite Ingots + 100 Pieces of Amber, 1 Gold Dragon Point, 9 Enchant Points = 90-100 Crystal Ingots
  • 100 Crystal Ingots + 100 Emeralds, 1 Titan Point, 10 Enchant Points, 1 Elemental Point (white), 1 Calcite = 90-100 Silver Ingots
  • 100 Silver Ingots + 100 Star Sapphires, 1 Silver Dragon Point, 15 Enchant Points, 1 Elemental Point (white), 1 Calcite, 1 Elemental Point (brown), 1 Oleum = 90-100 Magma Ingots
  • 100 Magma Ingots + 100 Bones, 1 Crystal Dragon Point, 1 Elemental Point (white), 1 Calcite, 1 Elemental Point (brown), 1 Oleum, 1 Elemental Point (blue), 1 Nitronium = 90-100 Mytheril Ingots
  • 100 Mytheril Ingots + 100 Magma Ingots, 1 Black Dragon Point, 1 Elemental Point (white), 1 Calcite, 1 Elemental Point (brown), 1 Oleum, 1 Elemental Point (blue), 1 Nitronium, 1 Elemental Point (purple), 1 Argonite Bubbles = 90-100 Obsidian Ingots

  • 1 Cooking Recipe + 1 Enchant Point = Inactive Lumberjacking License
  • 1 Platinum Broadsword + 10 Enchant Points = 20-25 Platinum Ingots
  • 1 Chrome Lance + 10 Enchant Points = 20-25 Chrome Wire
  • 100 Stone Blocks + 100 Golden Ingots + 1 Combat Point = 100 Sandstone Blocks

  • 2 Red Dragon Points + 50 Rubies + 5 Enchant Points = Gray Dragon Point
  • 2 Gray Dragon Points + 50 Diamonds + 5 Enchant Points = Blue Dragon Point
  • 2 Blue Dragon Points + 50 Citrines + 5 Enchant Points = Green Dragon Point
  • 2 Green Dragon Points + 50 Sapphires + 5 Enchant Points = Gold Dragon Point
  • 2 Gold Dragon Points + 50 Tourmalines + 5 Enchant Points = Silver Dragon Point
  • 2 Silver Dragon Points + 50 Amethysts + 5 Enchant Points = Crystal Dragon Point
  • 2 Crystal Dragon Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 5 Enchant Points = Black Dragon Point
  • 2 Daemon Points + 50 Emeralds + 10 Enchant Points = Titan Point

  • 2 Titan Rock + 5 Enchant Points = Dragon Rock
  • 2 Dragon Rock + 5 Enchant Points + 1 Daemon Point = Titan Rock
  • 2 Elemetal Points (white) + 1 Enchant Point = Calcite Crystal
  • 2 Elemetal Points (brown) + 1 Enchant Point = Oleum
  • 2 Elemetal Points (blue) + 1 Enchant Point = Nitronium Crystal
  • 2 Elemetal Points (purple) + 1 Enchant Point = Argonite Bubble
  • 2 Calcite Crystals + 1 Enchant Point = Elemetal Point (white)
  • 2 Oleums + 1 Enchant Point = Elemetal Point (brown)
  • 2 Nitronium Crystals + 1 Enchant Point = Elemetal Point (blue)
  • 2 Argonite Bubbles + 1 Enchant Point = Elemetal Point (purple)

Магические предметы:

  • 50 Shadow Ingots + 45 Agapite Ingots + 40 Orion Ingots + 35 Verite Ingots + 30 Dwarf Ingots + 25 Valorite Ingots + 20 Crystal Ingots + 15 Silver Ingots + 10 Magma Ingots + 5 Mytheril Ingots + 2 Calcite + 2 Argonite Bubbles + 2 Oleum + 2 Nitronium + 100 Enchant Points = Soul Absorber
  • 1 Dragon Wing + 1 Titan Wall + 1 Demon Horn + 1 Catalyst = Demon Fury
  • 3 Magic Jewelry of Magic Resistance (одного типа) + 5 Enchant Points + 1 Rice Paper = Random Jewelry of Magic Resistance
  • 1 Demon Horns + 45 Mytheril Ingots + 10 Enchant Points = Random Obsidian Weapon
  • 1 Elemetal Point (white) + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) + 1 Elemetal Point (blue) + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) + 1 Calcite + 1 Argonite Bubble + 1 Oleum + 1 Nitronium + 5 Enchant Points = Catalyst
  • 5 Dragon Rock + 5 Enchant Point + 50 Volcanic Ash = 5 Decayed Pages
  • 200 Hair Colorizer + 10 Combat Points + 1 Quest Point = Rare Hair Colorizer
  • 1 Giant Key + 5 Dragon Rock + 100 Dragon's Blood + 1 Red Dragon's Point + 1 Blue Dragon's Point + 1 Green Dragon's Point + 1 Gray Dragon's Point + 1 Gold Dragon's Point + 1 Silver Dragon's Point + 1 Crystal Dragon's Point + 1 Black Dragon's Point = Dragon's Egg
  • 1 Halflinks Horror + 1 Combat Point + 1 Catalyst + 1 Titan Straw Hat = Disruptor (Временный на 2-3 часа)
  • 1 Hand of Horror + 1 Combat Point + 50 Enchant Points + 1 Daemon Straw Hat = Desintegrator (Временный на 2-3 часа)

Плюсовая Броня:

  • 1 Platemail (Chest) + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Platemail (Chest) of Defense
  • 1 Platemail Legs + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Platemail Legs of Defense
  • 1 Platemail Arms + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Platemail Arms of Defense
  • 1 Platemail Gorget + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Platemail Gorget of Defense
  • 1 Platemail Gauntlets + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Platemail Gauntlets of Defense
  • 1 Plate Helm + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Plate Helm of Defense
  • 1 Heater Shield + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies + 50 Diamonds + 1 Stoneskin Potion + 1 Steelskin Potion = Heater of Defense

  • 2 Platemail (Chest) of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Platemail (Chest) of Guarding
  • 2 Platemail Legs of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Platemail Legs of Guarding
  • 2 Platemail Arms of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Platemail Arms of Guarding
  • 2 Platemail Gorget of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Platemail Gorget of Guarding
  • 2 Platemail Gauntlets of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Platemail Gauntlets of Guarding
  • 2 Plate Helm of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Plate Helm of Guarding
  • 2 Heater of Defense + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines + 50 Sapphires = Heater of Guarding

  • 2 Platemail (Chest) of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Platemail (Chest) of Hardening
  • 2 Platemail Legs of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Platemail Legs of Hardening
  • 2 Platemail Arms of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Platemail Arms of Hardening
  • 2 Platemail Gorget of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Platemail Gorget of Hardening
  • 2 Platemail Gauntlets of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Platemail Gauntlets of Hardening
  • 2 Plate Helm of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Plate Helm of Hardening
  • 2 Heater of Guarding + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Tourmalines + 50 Amethysts = Heater of Hardening

  • 2 Platemail (Chest) of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Platemail (Chest) of Fortification
  • 2 Platemail Legs of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Platemail Legs of Fortification
  • 2 Platemail Arms of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Platemail Arms of Fortification
  • 2 Platemail Gorget of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Platemail Gorget of Fortification
  • 2 Platemail Gauntlets of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Platemail Gauntlets of Fortification
  • 2 Plate Helm of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Plate Helm of Fortification
  • 2 Heater of Hardening + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber + 50 Emeralds = Heater of Fortification

  • 2 Platemail (Chest) of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Platemail (Chest) of Invulnerability
  • 2 Platemail Legs of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Platemail Legs of Invulnerability
  • 2 Platemail Arms of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Platemail Arms of Invulnerability
  • 2 Platemail Gorget of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Platemail Gorget of Invulnerability
  • 2 Platemail Gauntlets of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Platemail Gauntlets of Invulnerability
  • 2 Plate Helm of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Plate Helm of Invulnerability
  • 2 Heater of Fortification + 3 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires + 50 Copper Ingots = Heater of Invulnerability

Enchanted Armor / Weapon:

  • 1 Golden Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Invulnerability + 42 Golden Ingots + 1 Demonologist Blood = Enchanted Golden Platemail (Chest)
  • 1 Golden Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Invulnerability + 35 Golden Ingots + 1 Demonologist Blood = Enchanted Golden Arms
  • 1 Golden Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Invulnerability + 37 Golden Ingots + 1 Demonologist Blood = Enchanted Golden Legs
  • 1 Golden Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Invulnerability + 32 Golden Ingots + 1 Demonologist Blood = Enchanted Golden Helm
  • 1 Golden Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Invulnerability + 16 Golden Ingots + 1 Demonologist Blood = Enchanted Golden Gorget
  • 1 Golden Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Invulnerability + 18 Golden Ingots + 1 Demonologist Blood = Enchanted Golden Gauntlets
  • 1 Golden Heater + 1 Heater of Invulnerability + 80 Golden Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Golden Shield

  • 1 Shadow Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Invulnerability + 40 Shadow Ingots + 1 Calcite Crystal = Enchanted Shadow Platemail (Chest)
  • 1 Shadow Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Invulnerability + 33 Shadow Ingots + 1 Calcite Crystal = Enchanted Shadow Arms
  • 1 Shadow Legs + 1 Platemail Leggings of Invulnerability + 35 Shadow Ingots + 1 Calcite Crystal = Enchanted Shadow Legs
  • 1 Shadow Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Invulnerability + 30 Shadow Ingots + 1 Calcite Crystal = Enchanted Shadow Plate Helm
  • 1 Shadow Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Invulnerability + 15 Shadow Ingots + 1 Calcite Crystal = Enchanted Shadow Gorget
  • 1 Shadow Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Invulnerability + 17 Shadow Ingots + 1 Calcite Crystal = Enchanted Shadow Gauntlets
  • 1 Shadow Heater + 1 Heater of Invulnerability + 75 Shadow Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Shadow Shield

  • 1 Orion Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Invulnerability + 38 Orion Ingots + 1 Oleum = Enchanted Orion Platemail (Chest)
  • 1 Orion Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Invulnerability + 31 Orion Ingots + 1 Oleum = Enchanted Orion Arms
  • 1 Orion Legs + 1 Platemail Leggings of Invulnerability + 33 Orion Ingots + 1 Oleum = Enchanted Orion Legs
  • 1 Orion Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Invulnerability + 28 Orion Ingots + 1 Oleum = Enchanted Orion Plate Helm
  • 1 Orion Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Invulnerability + 14 Orion Ingots + 1 Oleum = Enchanted Orion Gorget
  • 1 Orion Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Invulnerability + 16 Orion Ingots + 1 Oleum = Enchanted Orion Gauntlets
  • 1 Orion Heater + 1 Heater of Invulnerability + 70 Orion Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Orion Shield

  • 1 Agapite Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Fortification + 36 Agapite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (blue) = Enchanted Agapite Platemail (Chest)
  • 1 Agapite Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Fortification + 29 Agapite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (blue) = Enchanted Agapite Arms
  • 1 Agapite Legs + 1 Platemail Leggings of Fortification + 31 Agapite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (blue) = Enchanted Agapite Legs
  • 1 Agapite Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Fortification + 26 Agapite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (blue) = Enchanted Agapite Plate Helm
  • 1 Agapite Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Fortification + 13 Agapite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (blue) = Enchanted Agapite Gorget
  • 1 Agapite Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Fortification + 15 Agapite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (blue) = Enchanted Agapite Gauntlets
  • 1 Agapite Heater + 1 Heater of Fortification + 65 Agapite Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Agapite Shield

  • 1 Verite Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Fortification + 34 Verite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (white) = Enchanted Verite Platemail (Chest)
  • 1 Verite Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Fortification + 27 Verite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (white) = Enchanted Verite Arms
  • 1 Verite Legs + 1 Platemail Leggings of Fortification + 29 Verite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (white) = Enchanted Verite Legs
  • 1 Verite Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Fortification + 24 Verite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (white) = Enchanted Verite Plate Helm
  • 1 Verite Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Fortification + 12 Verite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (white) = Enchanted Verite Gorget
  • 1 Verite Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Fortification + 14 Verite Ingots + 1 Elemental Point (white) = Enchanted Verite Gauntlets
  • 1 Verite Heater + 1 Heater of Fortification + 60 Verite Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Verite Shield

  • 1 Dwarf Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Fortification + 32 Dwarf Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) = Enchanted Dwarf Platemail (Chest)
  • 1 Dwarf Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Fortification + 25 Dwarf Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) = Enchanted Dwarf Arms
  • 1 Dwarf Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Fortification + 27 Dwarf Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) = Enchanted Dwarf Legs
  • 1 Dwarf Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Fortification + 22 Dwarf Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) = Enchanted Dwarf Helm
  • 1 Dwarf Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Fortification + 11 Dwarf Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) = Enchanted Dwarf Gorget
  • 1 Dwarf Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Fortification + 13 Dwarf Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (brown) = Enchanted Dwarf Gauntlets
  • 1 Dwarf Heater + 1 Heater of Fortification + 55 Dwarf Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Dwarf Shield

  • 1 Valorite Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Hardening + 30 Valorite Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) = Enchanted Valorite Platemail (Chest)
  • 1 Valorite Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Hardening + 23 Valorite Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) = Enchanted Valorite Arms
  • 1 Valorite Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Hardening + 25 Valorite Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) = Enchanted Valorite Legs
  • 1 Valorite Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Hardening + 20 Valorite Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) = Enchanted Valorite Helm
  • 1 Valorite Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Hardening + 10 Valorite Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) = Enchanted Valorite Gorget
  • 1 Valorite Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Hardening + 12 Valorite Ingots + 1 Elemetal Point (purple) = Enchanted Valorite Gauntlets
  • 1 Valorite Heater + 1 Heater of Hardening + 50 Valorite Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Valorite Shield

  • 1 Crystal Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Hardening + 28 Crystal Ingots + 1 Argonite Bubble = Enchanted Crystal Platemail (Chest)
  • 1 Crystal Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Hardening + 21 Crystal Ingots + 1 Argonite Bubble = Enchanted Crystal Arms
  • 1 Crystal Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Hardening + 23 Crystal Ingots + 1 Argonite Bubble = Enchanted Crystal Legs
  • 1 Crystal Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Hardening + 18 Crystal Ingots + 1 Argonite Bubble = Enchanted Crystal Helm
  • 1 Crystal Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Hardening + 9 Crystal Ingots + 1 Argonite Bubble = Enchanted Crystal Gorget
  • 1 Crystal Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Hardening + 11 Crystal Ingots + 1 Argonite Bubble = Enchanted Crystal Gauntlets
  • 1 Crystal Heater + 1 Heater of Hardening + 45 Crystal Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Crystal Shield

  • 1 Silver Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Hardening + 26 Silver Ingots + 1 Nitronium Crystal = Enchanted Silver Platemail (Chest)
  • 1 Silver Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Hardening + 19 Silver Ingots + 1 Nitronium Crystal = Enchanted Silver Arms
  • 1 Silver Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Hardening + 21 Silver Ingots + 1 Nitronium Crystal = Enchanted Silver Legs
  • 1 Silver Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Hardening + 16 Silver Ingots + 1 Nitronium Crystal = Enchanted Silver Helm
  • 1 Silver Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Hardening + 8 Silver Ingots + 1 Nitronium Crystal = Enchanted Silver Gorget
  • 1 Silver Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Hardening + 10 Silver Ingots + 1 Nitronium Crystal = Enchanted Silver Gauntlets
  • 1 Silver Heater + 1 Heater of Hardening + 40 Silver Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Silver Shield

  • 1 Magma Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Guarding + 24 Magma Ingots + 15 Pumice = Enchanted Magma Platemail (Chest)
  • 1 Magma Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Guarding + 17 Magma Ingots + 15 Pumice = Enchanted Magma Arms
  • 1 Magma Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Guarding + 19 Magma Ingots + 15 Pumice = Enchanted Magma Legs
  • 1 Magma Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Guarding + 14 Magma Ingots + 15 Pumice = Enchanted Magma Helm
  • 1 Magma Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Guarding + 7 Magma Ingots + 15 Pumice = Enchanted Magma Gorget
  • 1 Magma Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Guarding + 9 Magma Ingots + 15 Pumice = Enchanted Magma Gauntlets
  • 1 Magma Heater + 1 Heater of Guarding + 35 Magma Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Magma Shield

  • 1 Mytheril Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Guarding + 22 Mytheril Ingots + 15 Pig Irons = Enchanted Mytheril Platemail (Chest)
  • 1 Mytheril Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Guarding + 15 Mytheril Ingots + 15 Pig Irons = Enchanted Mytheril Arms
  • 1 Mytheril Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Guarding + 17 Mytheril Ingots + 15 Pig Irons = Enchanted Mytheril Legs
  • 1 Mytheril Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Guarding + 12 Mytheril Ingots + 15 Pig Irons = Enchanted Mytheril Helm
  • 1 Mytheril Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Guarding + 6 Mytheril Ingots + 15 Pig Irons = Enchanted Mytheril Gorget
  • 1 Mytheril Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Guarding + 8 Mytheril Ingots + 15 Pig Irons = Enchanted Mytheril Gauntlets
  • 1 Mytheril Heater + 1 Heater of Guarding + 30 Mytheril Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Mytheril Shield

  • 1 Obsidian Platemail (Chest) + 1 Platemail (Chest) of Guarding + 20 Obsidian Ingots + 10 Brimstones + 10 Obsidians = Enchanted Obsidian Platemail (Chest)
  • 1 Obsidian Arms + 1 Platemail Arms of Guarding + 13 Obsidian Ingots + 10 Brimstones + 10 Obsidians = Enchanted Obsidian Arms
  • 1 Obsidian Legs + 1 Platemail Legs of Guarding + 15 Obsidian Ingots + 10 Brimstones + 10 Obsidians = Enchanted Obsidian Legs
  • 1 Obsidian Plate Helm + 1 Plate Helm of Guarding + 10 Obsidian Ingots + 10 Brimstones + 10 Obsidians = Enchanted Obsidian Helm
  • 1 Obsidian Gorget + 1 Platemail Gorget of Guarding + 5 Obsidian Ingots + 10 Brimstones + 10 Obsidians = Enchanted Obsidian Gorget
  • 1 Obsidian Gauntlets + 1 Platemail Gauntlets of Guarding + 7 Obsidian Ingots + 10 Brimstones + 10 Obsidians = Enchanted Obsidian Gauntlets
  • 1 Obsidian Heater + 1 Heater of Guarding + 25 Obsidian Ingots + 1 Combat Point = Enchanted Obsidian Shield

  • 1 Platinum Broadsword + 50 Platinum Ingots + 1 Quest Point = Enchanted Platinum Broadsword
  • 1 Chrome Lance + 50 Chrome Wire + 1 Quest Point = Enchanted Chrome Lance


  • 1 Daemon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 5 Daemon Bones = Daemon Point
  • 1 Red Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Rubies = Red Dragon Point
  • 1 Gray Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Diamonds = Gray Dragon Point
  • 1 Blue Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Citrines = Blue Dragon Point
  • 1 Green Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Sapphires = Green Dragon Point
  • 1 Gold Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Amethysts = Gold Dragon Point
  • 1 Silver Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Pieces of Amber = Silver Dragon Point
  • 1 Crystal Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Emeralds = Crystal Dragon Point
  • 1 Black Dragon Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 50 Star Sapphires = Black Dragon Point
  • 1 Titan Skin (Full armor) + 5 Enchant Points + 20 Bones = Titan Point

  • 1 Wrestling Point + 10 Enchant Points + 1 Hair Colorizer = Combat Point
  • 1 Archery Point + 10 Enchant Points + 1 Hair Colorizer = Combat Point
  • 1 Swordsmanship Point + 10 Enchant Points + 1 Hair Colorizer = Combat Point
  • 1 Fencing Point + 10 Enchant Points + 1 Hair Colorizer = Combat Point
  • 1 Macefighting Point + 10 Enchant Points + 1 Hair Colorizer = Combat Point

  • 5 Skill Deeds (Magister's knowledge / Craftsman's manual / Cropper's manuscript / Combatant's instruction) + 5 Enchant Points + 5 Hair Colorizer + 1 Decayed Page + 1 Combat Point = Improved Skill Training Page
  • 1 Decayed Page + 1 Rejuvination Potion + 1 Hair Colorizer + 1 Red Dragon Straw Hat = Combatant's instruction
  • 1 Decayed Page + 1 Rejuvination Potion + 1 Hair Colorizer + 1 Gray Dragon Straw Hat = Cropper's manuscript
  • 1 Decayed Page + 1 Rejuvination Potion + 1 Hair Colorizer + 1 Crystal Dragon Straw Hat = Craftsman's manual
  • 1 Decayed Page + 1 Rejuvination Potion + 1 Hair Colorizer + 1 Black Dragon Straw Hat = Magister's knowledge

  • 1 Raptor + 2 Demon Horns + 100 Magma Ingots + 200 Daemon Bones + 1 Quest Point = Amok